Well when I was making my blog I tried to consider what it was that drew people to other metablogs on the web. Things that i thought were important were:
*reaching out to people
*having a voice
*asking questions
*getting in touch with them via my interests
*and showing them a part of myself
My blogging account is
and the best blogs are as follows...
* I-am-going-to-be-doom-doom-doom-deep = which is where i reach out to people by being rather worked up about - you may not want to read it but it reveals a part of myself , which i think is very important
* potc-third this is a post where i believe i had a voice that wasn't so much emotional rather a voice that had an opinion on something that I believed people would respond to as i invited people to reply to it
* wanties*givsies is a blog where i thought i may also get a reply from my visitors as it really wasn't such a complicated question - and it offered them a chance for them to show me themselves so that i could get to know my audience.
*in both blogs you can see different ways that i tried to express my individuality and my love of certain shows here and here
*in this blog i wanted to also give my readers an opportunity to actually see more of myself - in a visual sense in the blog flickr-goodness or in this blog
Considering the blog account - i found it difficult to edit the font and colours in the later blogs due to the mac that i own as when i try and produce a blog it doesn't offer the option of font or colour - so i did try and do that using html - but have found this quite difficult. And I found making links for all blogs difficult - especially the last one about the visitors - I wasn't quite sure to link it to! It was the only one i didn't put a link on - and it is here
With my flickr account (found here) i tried to really use this site as much as possible - I actually really loved looking at other users images and when we looked for screenshots of various layouts - i found heaps trhat i really thought were interesting which can be seen at my homepage.
concerning tags - i tried to use a variety of things just in case - something that i have can be easily found. I also used tags that wold relate to the subject. my tags can be found here I used things like mpi104-2007, mpi104, mpi,or propaganda, nazi, nazis or even cardcaptor, card nd captor. I found that this system of having combinations of words that relate to the subject helpful - especially during searches.
I tried being involved in groups by becoming a member and and favourit-ing images and submitting various images to the mpi104-2007 network. My faves are found here. A lot of the photos that I have been looking at, on, are to do with Japanese "cosplaying" in Tokyo, Make-up, Clothing, fashion photography and costume like fashion. The reason for this is because I really love how bright the colours are. Some of these images are faves because of the subject and of how the image was taken. I really love Japan, anime and things that are very visual - aka colourful or aesthetically pleasing.
DEL.ICIO.US was a really interesting account to have had during this year as it gave me another place to go searching information. I really found it interesting - in terms of what i found. I made 42 favourites and I have many subscriptions or a decent sized networking system . Some of things that I have favourited are to do with Nazi propaganda, scrubs, colour designs and tutorials for say photoshop or flash.
With I found it a useful resource as it helped me very much so with my grp103 assignment on Nazi propaganda and bundled my tags in order to keep track of all my sites that I have made.
My technorati account is here and this site I found a little useless – I didn’t really see much point in using it – but it was interesting that this kind of site is interesting enough. I suppose once I get used to using it or just take time with the site – to get to know it and understand how to really use it – then and only then will I be able to take full advantage of its resources.
All in all the whole project I think was very helpful as it has opened up my eyes to new things. Before I started this course I had never heard of technorati, flickr or and I am really greatful to have been shown how to use flickr and in particular.
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