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Friday, 20 April 2007


In todays top story I am posting about my love of SAILOR MOON.

I have quite the fetish for women in uniform...kinda sounds wrong - but - i shant deny it!

There is just something wonderful about girls fighting for justice in the moon light in mini-skirts that just puts a smile on my face - and no I'm not talking about getting OVERLY excited in an attractive sense (and yes i was trying to imply that...) but i mean I was so entertained by something that probably was meant to turn on little pubescent boys (i'm sure i spelt that incorrectly!)...

Point being that i enjoyed it for what it was so much so that i created my own spin off - i created characters, villians, i wrote episodes, i designed outfits, came up with wonderful powers and such - i was that amused by the show!

If i end up loving you - maybe one day i will share those things with you - but i barely know you people so you get relatively zip, nadda - nuttin'!

(It's your kindness and ability to share that makes me feel closer to you...i can hear you say - but give me a moment)

All i came here to say - on this post was that i really WUV my senshi...if i had the money i'd buy the dvds - but whats the point i recorded every episode that i could... *insert crazy face*

So i shall share with you my favourite and not so favourite things...

--*I used to hate Sailor Chibi-moon (rini - if you will) But she grew on me - probably cause i realised i loved drawing her...
--*Sailor Moon is one of my faves - i love her transformations and such
--*I prefer the music in the american versions...they sound less - for want of a better word - CRAP

--*My other fave characters are Sailor Pluto, Mars and Darien (first season)
--*Favourite villian would have to be....Queen Beryl - just cause! And
when Rini turns evil...shes rather hot - if i can be so bold! Evil Prince Darien is also quite awesome - he nearly kills sailormoon and i liked Allan and Ann - they were lovers from some doom tree or something
--*I hate mercury....she's a huge wimpy whiney weirdo
--*and it annoys me that the "transformation pen" - like DISAPPEARED! So Sailor moon couldn't turn into some random disguise like a she used to *sigh* such as a reporter or a rockstar
--*And Darien looks gay further on in the series - which - no offense to the homosexual community - but Darian is straight - he should not look skinner than sailor moon - and should not have weird poetic lines and then throw a random rose in the pavement - like as if that would really guide someone! Sailor Moon needs a prince, a lover...a protector and throwing a freaking rose aint going to help NO BODY!!!!!!!!!!!!

IN CONCLUSION Sailormoon made me a better person - jokes! Sailor Moon helped me be more artistic, made me want to draw, made me want to write and made me design...and put me onto the road of graphic design i suppose!

stay classy - and i may write more!

and if you are interested in looking/reading some of the episodes go here

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