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Friday, 1 June 2007


So lets see...a few weeks ago when the Pirates film came out - I was one of those who chose to believe this film may triumph over the 2nd film. Aything is better than the 2nd film. So i guess in saying that you'd have to believe that the 3rd in the trilogy (as stands) should be better than the 2nd flm.

Kiera Knightley's lips appear even bigger - and she seems to have a natural talent with swords and guns! Orlando Blooms character is not as frustrating in this film - although - the costume designer seems to think once you become a freaking pirate you have to wear a bandana...LAME!!!! And Johnny Depp is rather wonderful particularly if you have a fetish for hairy, arty type men with lots of belts and a wonderful compass!!!!

Things i did enjoy in the film is the ending...that sounds rather like i wanted to leave after the three hour screening...but no, i loved how everything was tied back to the beginning! I enjoyed the makeup, a lot of the costume and the sets were very attractive - so lots of thumbs up to the art department...I enjoyed the Jamaican woman and howthe beginnin she connects to Davey and i loved seeing the human version of Davey - but please i do not want to hear another person say to me "omg that guy was in Love Actually" because blah - i have no reason - just its so obvious!!!!

Things i did not enjoy - the beginning, I just got so muddled - and that is partly cause i was exhausted when i was watching it and i was so close to the screen...i didn't like Kiera not aging at all at the very end, i didn't like the lines about johnny's family - i thought it was obvious and not necessary - like if you had no idea about the "relation" then tough - you're not in the know and shouldn't diserve to know that cute little fact!!!! (in my opinion).

What else i don't mind the CG - some people get flustered with the use of it - especially if it's used toooooo much!!! But you know what - if you are watching a fantastical kind of film like Lord of the Rings, Spiderman, Batman, Hellboy...etc YOU HAVE TO EXPECT THE USE OF COMPUTERS!!!!!!!

But partly for the crazy jokes, Johnny's personality split (if i can call it that without giving away too much), the artistry and the summing up "The Curse of the Black Pearl" and "Dead Mans Chest" - oh and for those who love kiera (aka NOT ME) or Johnny will like this film pretty much....

all in all - just go see it! If i haven't convinced you...or said something you do not agree with or ould like to add too...feel free to comment - i am interested in what you think about the film!!!

Heres the official link

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