It"s LOADED - ahaha *sigh*

welcome to this amazing - wonderful blog of is filled with odd things that I like and hate and love and wish never existed... PEACE

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

To do...STILL!

For Workies

* Take photos for VPA104

* Take photos for GRP103 for postcards

* COM226 notes

* Buy a b'day present for the 4th of May and for the 9th of May

* COM226 Essay due near the 20th of May




For my own happiness

* See my old block mates

* Buy The Used CD

*Get Used to a Mac.

*Finish my drawing of Frankie

* Set up folders for my itunes

*Say 'Hi!" to James and Dad

* Hugs for all! And a corny does it sound - but i hear it helps!

in the mean time i will just check out

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