It"s LOADED - ahaha *sigh*

welcome to this amazing - wonderful blog of is filled with odd things that I like and hate and love and wish never existed... PEACE

Wednesday 14 March 2007

oh, for the love of Wizard of OZ...

I just love that moment in The Wizard of oz when Dorothy walks out of her monochromatic house and into the techni-colour world or Oz....its just so perdy...I must have been 7 when i first saw that. My grandma sent me the film it came all the way from the uk...and as a little girl - i thought that scene was pretty neeeeeto!

that being said that fdilm is not my fave...i just wnated to make a rebelllllioous title - cause someone made a post with the title like "1st post titles are lame" or something - so i thought i'd be alllll out there and just be lame...

fave films tho...there are too many to count i suppose...i like Saving Private Ryan, and Whats eating Gilbert Grape, and anything disney, The Mummy, Indianna Jones...LOTR...i can't think anymore atm - i'm drawing a blank...

But if you ever feel like exploring and looking for particular films with certain a horror film that only 80% of ppl like perhaps this place is the place to be...

Rotten tomatoes

and travel down the page to the tomato picker and go searching for something that can maybe spill some techni-colour into your world *cough* LAME *cough*


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